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    Javascript Syllabus

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    JavaScript Programming Syllabus Introduction to JavaScript - Understanding the role of JavaScript in web development - Adding JavaScript to HTML documents Variables and Data Types - Declaring variables and assigning values - Working with different data types Operators and Expressions - Using arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators - Writing expressions and conditional statements Control Flow - Implementing if-else statements and switch cases - Using loops: for, while, and do-while Functions and Scope - Defining and calling functions - Understanding function scope and closures Arrays and Objects - Creating and manipulating arrays - Working with object properties and methods DOM Manipulation - Accessing and modifying HTML elements with JavaScript - Handling events and creating interactive web pages Working with Forms - Validating form input using JavaScript - Preventing form submission and handling errors Asynchronous JavaScript - Introducing callbacks and promises - Making asynchronous requests with AJAX Introduction to ES6+ (Optional) - Arrow functions, template literals, and spread/rest operators - Using let and const for variable declarations Introduction to jQuery (Optional) - Basic jQuery syntax and methods - Simplifying DOM manipulation and event handling

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You'll Have up to 12 Months to Complete.